Submission Form

    NOTE: Form is buggy. Please email info -at-

    Your Name*

    Your Email*

    Query Letter*

    How Did You Hear About Us?*

    Book Title*

    Word Count*


    Fiction: Genre and Categories (select all that apply)


    Non-Fiction: Genre and Categories (select all that apply)

    How toScienceOtherChildren'sYAAdult

    Explicitly Christian?

    YesNo, but values consistent with ChristianityNo, topic isn't related to morality or religion

    Platform: Select all that Apply


    Platform Notes* (list web addresses; put "no" in the box if you don't have anything to add)

    One sentence logline of your book* (about 15-20 words)

    Book Pitch* (back cover description; about 150-200 words)

    Synopsis, Chapter Outline, or Book Proposal (optional; up to 1000 words/4 double spaced pages) (NOTE: if possible separate paragraphs with a double return) (put "no" in the box if you are not submitting this now)

    Your Favorite 500 words of your Book or the first 500 words if you are not submitting chapters*
    (NOTE: if possible separate paragraphs with a double return)

    First 1-3 chapters of your book (optional; up to 5000 words/20 double spaced pages) (NOTE: if possible separate paragraphs with a double return) (put "no" in the box if you are not submitting this now)

    Anything else you want us to know* (put "no" in the box if you don't have anything else to say)

    Please typecaptchainto the box below.