
If you are a reader, you MUST get a Kindle e-reader! My family says I call the Kindle “My Precious” (like Gollum) and I must say it’s probably true. It is awesome to have your library at a touch. The gently-lit screen is easy on your eyes, not like a computer screen; you are equally able to read this device in bright sunlight or complete darkness without problems. This is the most amazing little machine.


Interestingly, one of the largest demographic groups for purchasing the Kindle is the over-60 crowd. It is not too complex, and if you’re really worried about the technological aspects you can buy Kindle Paperwhite for Dummies (in print edition) to walk you through.


You have a choice of WiFi or 3G. The connectivity is for the Amazon store. If you don’t have a reliable wireless system or you anticipate being on-the-go you will probably prefer a 3G connection so you can get books anywhere.


You’ll need to get a cover to protect your baby. The Amazon store offers a resilient and functional cover in a variety of attractive colors. Opening the cover turns on the Kindle; closing the cover turns it off. Nice!


The Kindle comes with a USB-to-micro USB cord, but for ease of charging you’ll need an adapter from USB to electrical outlet. Amazon offers a pretty one.


The Kindle will revolutionize your life. Seriously.